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1st & 2nd Grade - September

Our classroom theme, LEGOS, centers around Jesus Christ, the founder and perfector of our faith. We want faith this year to be built on Jesus Christ our firm foundation and with the help of the Holy Spirit to grow upon that faith.

We are off to a great year with the Lord beside us all the way. Each day we come to school ready to learn something new.

We are blessed to have a new second grader, Joseph Angeles, join our school this year. We all have made lots of new friends as we work and play with one another.

We learned how God created the whole world and set the laws of nature in place to keep it functional and still takes care of it. Adam and Eve sinned and disobeyed God. They could not escape the effects of sin. As a result of their sin, we are all born sinners. The frame work of God’s plan for our salvation rested on His covenant promise to Adam and Eve, and Abraham. Our Savior, Jesus was the promised Messiah, who came to take the punishment of our sins by His death on the cross.

In English we have been learning what is needed to make a complete sentence. We are working hard to be able to tell what type of sentence we hare reading and writing. We have enjoyed writing in our journals and expressing our thoughts and feelings throughout writing. It has been fun illustrating our writing and sharing the finished project with our classmates.

We have had fun learning to use and read graphs. We find it fun to make up our own graphs. In math we have also been working on creating number sentences, number families, and patterning.

Genesis 1:11 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants, yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind on the earth.” And it was so. We have studied the blessing of plants. We watched seeds grow forth and sprout. We learned that seeds have the food source, roots that hold the plant in place and soak up water and nutrients that the stems carry to the plant. We learned that the leaves use the sun, air, and oxygen to make sugar which is food for the plant. The flower produces fruit/seeds to begin the life cycle of the plant once again.

Our field trip to the Iowa Arboretum enriched our study of plants as we took part in a scavenger hunt for parts of plants, toured the grounds, and went for a nature hike in the woods.

With help of our families, we gathered 15 different tree leaves from different locations in Boone County. Then mounted them and made a tree booklet to display what we had gathered. We had fun comparing the leaves we had found as we swapped books with one another. You are invited to see our booklets on display outside our classroom.

We took a closer look at the world God created beginning the “Me on the Map.” We started with our school (Trinity Lutheran.) We then expanded to our city (Boone or Ogden), our state (Iowa), our country (United States of America), our continent (North America) and lastly our planet (Earth). We are blessed to be part of this world!

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