“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Phil. 1:6
We studied how the framework of God’s plan for our salvation rested in His covenant promise to Abraham. Our Savior, Jesus, was the promised Messiah. The true story of Abraham’s command for his servant to find Isaac a wife assures us that God hears every prayer and answers our needs before we even speak them. Looking at the true story of Jacob stealing his brother Esau’s birthright had us talking about repentance – facing our sin, being sorry, and changing our behavior. We see how this too is our sinful pattern and that we can always count on God’s never ending love and forgiveness.
Our days are action packed – filled with so much learning! We use games, rhymes, songs, books, manipulatives, You-Tube videos, experiments, partner interaction, and off site
adventures to help enhance and reinforce the learning process. We traveled to the Specialty Leather Company in Boone and learned how hides are processed into leather. It was really interesting seeing such a wide variety of different animal skins like snake, crocodile, bison, elephant, deer, and zebra to name a few. The owner, our tour guide, was great in explaining everything and answering all our questions.
We also went to the Blank Park Zoo to view the animal kingdom up close and personal. As we travelled through the zoo we identified animals within their various classes (insects, reptiles, birds, amphibians, mammals, and fish) and which continents they live on. We had fun feeding the goats. We were able to touch some animals and learn more about them at a private class we had. Special thanks to Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Kohnke, Mr. & Mrs. Page, Mrs. Stahr, Mrs. Westrum, and Cali’s grandma for joining us.
In our study of life cycles we created the 3 main stages a frog goes through in its development as an amphibian (eggs, tadpole, adult frog) out of clay and painted them.
Every day seems to whiz by – I guess that’s because school is so much fun!
Come by our classroom and experience fall in the air as you check out our Zentangle pumpkins, seed art, leaves made with water color paint, and crayon batiking.
Our K-4 choir will be singing at the Boone County Festival of Trees on Saturday, November 16, time TBA. Please join us!