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Preschool - April

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia, Alleluia! In our chapel services and Jesus time,

the children heard how the solemn message of Lent and Holy Week turned to the joyful

message of Jesus’ resurrection on that first Easter morning. Jesus has victory over sin,

death, and the devil! Jesus has given that victory to us! The power of those three is gone!

On the last day of school before Easter break, we had an Easter egg hunt and celebration. Thank you to each and every parent for helping make it happen!

Our literature unit is “City and Country Life.” Here in Iowa, we have the blessing of having a touch of both! The fouryear-old classes are planning to go to a farm again this year. If

you know of a farm that we could visit let me know. Our next unit is “Growing and Changing.” We have a grown so much this year – physically, socially, academically, emotionally, but most importantly… spiritually. Spring is a time of new growth and life!

Our study of letter names and their sounds is almost complete. The children have some sight words under their belt too! The vowels, which are harder to distinguish between, are our last letters to cover. It is fun to read simple CVC words. We have had a few “guest readers” so far. I hope that each child can have a parent or grandparent read to the class before school is out in May.

Kindergarten visit!! Fun!! The children got to spend the whole day with Mrs. Hart on Tuesday, April 23rd. We hope that many will stay here at Trinity for Christian training and

excellence in academics and activities through 8th grade.

Our closing service will be Wednesday, May 22, at 6:30pm. Our last day/family picnic is May 23 for the Tuesday/Thursday class, and May 24 for the Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Monday-Friday classes.

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