Hello, One and All!
TLS preschoolers have been busy learning and playing this past March. It was so nice to meet with all the preschool families and share how much each child has grown—not only academically and socially but also in faith! We have a room full of compassionate, service-oriented little ones. I am constantly amazed at how they share the love of Christ. What a blessing they are!
After spring break, we began a four-week investigation of “Water” and have had a fabulous time learning about its sources, uses, and even the stages of water! We are truly amazed at how God made water such a big part of our daily lives.
This month, we also worked hard on rhyming—both traditional rhyming at the end of words and alliteration at the beginning. We enjoyed nursery rhymes, Silly Sally, and playing the “Name Game” together. If you see a preschooler, be sure to enjoy some rhyme time together!
Long-short, heavy-light, fast-slow—opposites we now know! While the term "opposite" was new to us, it’s now a concept we use with ease. We even created our own opposite book, with students illustrating by posing for pictures. We had a great time showing empty-full, dirty-clean, near-far, and more!
During this Lenten season, we focused on different miracles of Jesus. We learned that Jesus is our Good Shepherd and how He cares for each and every one of us! Toward the end of March, we also learned how Jesus can wash us anew. We explored how He washed the disciples' feet and how He wants us to be servants too. We dirtied our hands in paint (and some in pudding!) and then tried to scrub them clean. We discovered we couldn’t get them completely clean with just a paper towel—we needed something bigger and better, just like when we sin. Jesus is bigger and better than any sin—He died so we could be washed clean in Him! Amazing love!
Prayers from Preschool!